The Hindi film “Saksham”, starring Raayo S Bakhirta, has earned international recognition, securing a spot at the prestigious Cannes Film Festival. The film, which tells...
Payal Varma is a renowned celebrity therapist, educational counselor, pageant coach & soft skill trainer. A Pranic Healer with over a decade of counseling experience....
Okie Dokie offers a wide range of services designed to streamline administrative tasks and improve efficiency within educational institutions. Starting from registration till student becomes...
In a landmark move set to redefine hospitality education, Chennais Amirta International Institute of Hotel Management and Birmingham Academy Singapore have formalized an innovative partnership...
Introduction Bathini is a leader in the production and distribution of decorative fiber goods, renowned for their high quality and affordability. Their extensive product range...
SEWA COMMUNITY COLLEGE a college that amalgamates style with substance. It best encapsulates what we intend our students to acquire once they pass out from...
Indore, MP, is witnessing an educational revolution as Excel Business School, under the dynamic leadership of Ruchi Verma, introduces a cutting-edge MBA program with specializations...
In today’s fast-paced business landscape, the adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Generative Artificial Intelligence (Gen AI) is reshaping various sectors, including India’s Business Process...