After the Bollywood actress returned to India from the US, Priyanka Chopra disclosed that her father, Dr. Ashok Chopra, had to install bars at their home and confiscate her jeans. Priyanka claimed in a recent interview that her 'paranoid' father, who passed away in 2013 after a battle with illness, took the extreme measure when a youngster leaped onto the house's balcony.
The Bollywood actress said in an interview with a reporter that she had returned to India after four years of studying in the US and that her father had been surprised by how much more womanly she seemed. She stated that whenever she got back home, males would often follow her. Her father made the decision to add bars after the balcony break-in occurred.
“My dad was quite worried because he sent a 12-year-old with braids who was trying to be hip to America. So, the only thing I had ever done was have my hair blown out, and I returned after all of these American hormones and the food. At 16, I have more of a womanly appearance than my father would have hoped. Boys would follow me home when I returned to India and was in this little village peacocking like I did in my American high school, she remembered.
“At night, one of them sprang into my balcony. My father said, “F*** this, bars, all your jeans are confiscated, you are going to wear Indian suits, nothing happening.” as a result. I used a driver to take me everywhere; he was terrified. I understand, but then I had my career. She said, “I feel so horrible for my dad.
Priyanka and her father have a close relationship. The actress has a tattoo of his handwriting on her wrist, and she often mentions how supportive he was of her work.